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Monday Apr 26, 2010

Merry Meet friends!  I am so excited to start my journey with you through this podcast. 
I have been a practicing pagan for almost twelve years, and have had many wonderful experiences on this path.  I greatly look forward to sharing those experiences with you, as well as knowledge I have picked up along the way.  I also plan on sharing some of the incredible meditations I have learned and affirmations I use.  I will be playing some music as well, mostly music that I use for meditating and vision quests.  All of it will be relaxing and enjoyable.  I also plan to discuss books I have read and I hope to delve further into those topics with you as we go. 
If you have any questions or suggestions for me, please feel free to contact me at:  If there is a particular topic you would like to hear me talk about, please let me know!
Your peaceful sister,
Blessed Be!

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